Life is like a camera ~~~
Focus on what's important....
Capture the good times....
Develop from the negatives...
And if things don't work out,
Take another shot ~~~~

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

LAST PART...Hatyai~~~Songkhla

ok...entry sebelum di sini PART 3 ni last entri for hatyai...hari ni 3/5/2013 kami jalan2 guna kenderaan sendiri... semalam naik tuk-tuk sudah hafal jalan...huhu. takde la susah mana pun jalan kt hatyai ni.. hokay kali ni malas nak story so uols layan picture je la ye dr semalam ke ari ni tempat yang kami jalan...hari ni kami cuma pergi ke tempat gajah and floating market hatyai..and jalan2 dalam pasaraya BIG A..


                                   DALAM ICE DOME

Di atas, sekitar pemandangan di TANKUAN HILL LIFF..

                                    mam dulu dlm pasaraya BIG A

                                  main dulu lah..... :)

                                  menuju ke floating market

dah habis pusing floating market... nak blik dh...gmabr lain x ambil sbb tgn penuh dgn makanan yg di shopping di sini..haha..

       saje capture coz ade small umbrella...hehe..sudah mau pulang ke malaysia

            HOKAY...the end... bye2 HATYAI~~~SONGKHLA

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